Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ancient Europe and Stained Glass Window Art

For our art lesson today, we made stained glass window art. To begin this lesson we discussed a powerpoint about the history of the stained glass. During the powerpoint we wrote down three points that we learned on an index card. For this lesson we had to use a color scheme, such as warm colors, cool colors, and complimentary colors. To construct the stained glass art, first we picked out a holiday design. Next, we used an exacto knife in order to trace the design on construction paper. The exacto knife cut out pieces of the design. Once we had all our pieces cut out, we glued tissue paper and placed it in the open holes of our design. The tissue paper used created the color schemes we needed to have. After we had the tissue paper all glued into place, we cut our design out.

Here is my holiday stained glass window art:
I used warm and cool colors for my color schemes.

An extension activity for this lesson is the have students make the stained glass window art for the different seasons of the year. The Christmas holiday scene would be for Winter, a pumpkin or turkey would be for Fall, a bunny for Spring, and a flag or fireworks for Summer. The different items would represent what season it is, and what holiday happens during each season.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Print Making

For this lesson, we were taught a form of print making. To begin, we drew a template on a piece of paper to get an idea on what we wanted to draw. The theme the lesson was around was nature. After we had an idea, we used the back of a paintbrush or our pencil to create a sketch in foam paper. We had to draw our lines deep enough in the paper to create a good indent in the foam. After we had our picture drawn out on the foam paper, we went over to the ink station and used a roller to roll the ink on to our foam paper. Once we had enough ink on the foam we placed the foam paper with ink down onto a piece of construction paper and pressed firmly to make sure the picture on the foam would show up on the construction paper. Once we thought it was good, we lifted the foam paper up from the construction paper. The scene from the foam was now mirrored on the construction paper.

Here is a photo of my print making project:

An extension activity for this project could be to incorporate it into a literature class. The students could create a story as a class and use this print making project in order to create the illustrations that go along with their story. The class can then put their stories together to create a book.

Cave Art

For this lesson, we created cave art by using crumpled paper bags and mud paint. The mud paint was dirt, tempera, and water mixed together. We started our lesson by discussing how things were recorded in history, and how cave paintings were a way of recording history. To begin our project, we first had to think about what our favorite memory was growing up. Once we had our memory we used the the mud paint to draw our memory on the paper bag. We were encouraged to use different colors of paint. Before we were done with our project we had to use something in order to create texture to our paintings; we placed either pieces of grass clippings, leaves, or sticks to our paintings. Once we were finished with our cave paintings, we got into groups and discussed what each of our favorite memories were.

Here is my cave painting:

My favorite memory growing up was going to Valleyfair with my family.

An extension activity for this project is to discuss the prehistoric times and dinosaurs that used to roam the land. After discussing the different types of dinosaurs students could chose and paint a dinosaur by using the mud paint to give it more of a prehistoric look. 

Little Leaves Collage

For this lesson, we used crayons and oil pastels to create our projects. To begin, we first used a tool to get crayon shavings from warm colors. Once we had enough crayon shavings on our wax paper we folded the wax paper and melted the shavings by using a hot iron in between the wax paper. Once the colors were melted, we were given a paper of leaves to trace from. We traced at least three leaves on to our warm colored wax paper and then cut the leaves out. We then glued the warm colored leaves on to a piece of white 8.5 X 11 paper. Then we discussed cool colors, and used cool colored oil pastels to create at least five different leaves on our collage. Our finished collage had both cool and warm colored leaves. To finish our project we framed our collage.

An extension activity for this project could be using the wax paper and crayon shavings to create a scene to represent each of the seasons. After discussing that there are four seasons in a year, students could pick a season and melt the crayon shavings and then cut out different objects that will correspond to the season they chose. For example: for winter students could make snowflakes, snowmen, our a holiday scene. For Spring students could make flowers or an easter bunny or eggs. For summer students could make a scene at a lake or something they do in the summer, and for fall they make a pumpkin, leaves falling off trees, and school starting again.

Under Water World Scratch Art

For this project, students were able to choose a picture of a sea animal to base their picture on. We then folded a white 8.5 X 11 paper in half and drew the picture on to the white paper. Once we finished drawing our pictures, we placed the black scratch art paper in between the white paper. We then used the wooden scratch tool to trace the outline of the animal on to our black paper. Once we had the outline drawn out, we removed the black paper from in between the white paper, and used to wooden tool to scratch the outline of the animal. Once the animal was drawn, we then used the wooden tool to add characteristics/details and texture to our animals by using different lengths of lines and pressure . To finish our project, we added different objects in the background that would fit into the animal's setting.

Here is a photo of my scratch art:

An extension activity for this project could be a lesson on the middle ages, and students could draw things that associate with the middle ages, for example: a castle, knights, a jousting tournament, or kings and queens. They could then hang their drawings around the class to create a middle age setting in their classroom.

Our bulletin board before projects hung up:

After projects hung up:

Birds of a Feather

For this lesson, our main topic was about diversity and that everyone has unique characteristics. To enhance this, we created 3-Dimensional birds. To begin, we were given index cards and were asked to create a name and personality for our birds. Then we were each given a template to cut out. After all the pieces were cut out, we colored and put pieces of feathers on our birds to create texture and a pattern. We then assembled the bird by gluing the wings on and using a hole punch to put holes on the top and on the wings of the bird in order to attach the string to the bird.

Here are photos of my bird:

An extension activity would be to have students compare the different cultures around the world. Students could see how each culture is similar and different and the unique traditions and history each culture has.

Clay Necklaces

For this project we created necklaces out of clay. To begin this lesson, we were given a ball of clay. We took pieces from the clay and learned how to knead the clay in order to create small beads. We rolled the clay in order to create the different sizes and shapes of the beads. After we finished the beads, we painted the beads different colors and made designs on the beads. Then once the paint was dried we put the beads on the necklace. We had to have at least five beads on our necklaces, at least three colors, and create a design on some of the beads.

Here is a photo of my necklace:

An extension activity would be to instruct a lesson about mammals or reptiles, and have the students create different animals with the clay. Once the clay was dried, the students could paint their animals and add characteristics.